The United States attacked a Chinese spy balloon on Saturday with a fighter Jet off the coast of South Carolina. Although it was suspected by the pentagon about a week ago, it worst the relations between china and the united states.
US President Joe Biden ordered on Wednesday to attack a Chinese spy balloon, but the pentagon suggested waiting to be done over the water for the safety of the civilians.

Also Read: Pentagon: Chinese Spy Ballon Spotted Over United States
Joe Biden said, we successfully took it down and complimented our aviators who did it. According to the US Military, Various fighter and refueling jets are involved in this mission, but a single F-22 fighter jet takes a shoot with the air-to-air missile AIM-9X supersonic on the Chinese spy balloon at 2:39 p.m.
What did China say about the Spy Ballon to the United States?
China claimed the ballon belonged to them and was used for meteorological and scientific purposes, which accidentally entered US airspace. According to China’s foreign ministry, the US needs to handle this matter calmly and professionally, and also they commented united states overreacting by using Military force for balloons.
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