A woman from the US was left in shock after finding her Husband’s Mummified remains in her wardrobe after eight months.
Jennifer Maedge has reported that her husband, Richard Maedge, was missing from 27 April 2022. After the report, police started their investigation but could not find the husband until 11 December 2022, when Jennifer searched her wardrobe for Christmas decorations. As per the coroner’s report, it has been found that the husband has died by suicide.
US Wife Finds Husband’s Mummified Remains After 8 Months

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Jennifer reported discovering her husband’s mummified remains when searching for the Christmas ornament to light up the Christmas tree. Further, she had told the police that she had last talked with her husband one day before when she reported missing her husband. Richard called Jennifer to inform her that he would leave for work early. But when Jennifer returned to the house, she didn’t find her husband. His car, wallet, and keys were still there.
At the time of investigation, Deputy Commissioner stated that they had not found such a wardrobe as the house was very chaotic. The officials feel some sewer-like smell from the house during their investigation. After some time, Jennifer called the police about some odor in the house. Police searched again and found out that the smell was the same as before, but they could not find Mr. Richard.
With the help of a plumber, it was found that the smell was similar to sewer gas, and they got rid of the smell by putting a cap on the sewer pipe.
Later on 11 December 2023, Jennifer informed the police she had found the mummified remains of her husband while searching for some Christmas decorations. On further investigation deputy coroner reported that the body had been moved decomposition state and was now in a mummified state. And the body in this state does not smell more, so they could not find Mr. Robert for this long. As per the autopsy report, no foul play has been suspected.