On Tuesday, Geraldo Rivera, Journalist and Co-Host of Fox News was criticized on Twitter for incorrectly identifying the AR-15 as an Automatic Rifle. Geraldo discussed with his fellow co-hosts in “The Five” show Joe Biden’s Pledge to ban assault rifles. Geraldo Rivera, on the table, there is no valid reason to have an AR-15. However, Greg Gutfeld, the Host of Fox News, disagreed with Geraldo’s opinion and asked, “What does AR Stand For?” Geraldo Rivera answered Greg Gutfeld, “It is an Automatic Rifle.” Greg said, “That’s not what it is.“

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Geraldo added, “All I know is AR-15s have no place in American society other than a sports club.”
According to (NSSF) National Shooting Sports Foundation, “AR” Stands for ArmaLite – A company that developed semiautomatic weapons in the early 1950s.
The National Association for Guns Rights Tweeted to Greg Gutfeld for Geraldo’s incorrect statement, Thank You, Greg Gutfeld, for pointing the attention to the wrong information.
What did Geraldo Rivera Tweet?
Later Tuesday evening, Geraldo Tweeted, I heard the daily caller and fellow travelers trumpeting my incorrect definition of AR as an AR-15. Whatever the core is, there is no place for AR. “They’re substitute appendages.”