An 11 years old girl “Pixie“ makes Rs 1.1 Crore in just one month by selling toys in her Accessories brand “Pixie Bows.” Usually, children will be happy with their Pocket money, but she starts working to get retired. She belongs to Australia and is the daughter of PR guru Roxy Jacenko.
She started the fidget spinner business during the COVID pandemic, growing to £110,000 (Rs 1.1 Crore) in just one month. Despite this, she has partially freed herself from the business for her studies.
Her online store named “Pixie Pix” will remain open and change back to it initially for her ease. Her store is the children’s destination for hair accessories and hair bows. It was easy to manage together and put less pressure on her.

What did Pixie’s mom say about her?
Her mother said she was excited about her daughter’s entrepreneurial spirit at a young age. Also, she said her daughter would retire at 15 as a millionaire. Pixie is famous for her lavish lifestyle, as her 11th birthday will cost around Rs 23 Lacs, and she owns a Mercedes Benz GI.