Railway Starts Earning Revenue From Senior Citizens Concessions
The Railway has earned an additional income of ₹2,242 crore from the senior citizens by suspending the concession offered to them before the covid. In addition, the Rail generated an extra 1500 crore from 20 March 2020 to 31 March 2022 after suspending assistance during the Covid Pandemic.
Railway replied to the RTI filed by the MP’s citizen that Railway is not offering senior citizen assistance between 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 to almost eight crore citizens, which include 4.6 crore men, 3.3 crore women, and 18,000 transgender people.
As per the RTI, Railway generated 5062 crores during this period which includes additional revenue of 2242 crore by stopping the senior citizen’s assistance. They increased the fares of rail tickets for senior citizens at a breakneck pace.
The Concession limit for senior women was 60 percent, whereas for senior men and transgender people was 40 percent. In addition, the minimum age limit for women for eligibility is 58 years, but for the man was 60 years.
Rail put the concessions on hold as covid pandemic hit the country on March 2020, and it is still on hold.

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This Topic has been much discussed over the decades, and many committees suggested withdrawal. So, Railway made this optional in 2016.
Due to these concessions, Rail is taking a massive burden of 2000 crore every year, which offers by the Rail to different types of passengers.