Within 24 hours after escaping an attempt on his life, the Shiromani Akali Dal chief and former Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal offered an act of faith and humility. Mr Badal worked as a ‘sewadar’ on Thursday, December 5, 2024, at Takht Kesgarh Sahib Gurdwara, located in the Rupnagar district of Punjab. The protectee under the Z+ security was seen seated at the entrance of the shrine clad in the traditional sewadar blue robes and holding an anti-personnel spear in hand, thereby following the formal Sikh code of Sewa and Protection. The event was conducted with special security measures, which characterized his life in recent times.
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However, due to this, Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal did not lose his temper, and he prayed and participated in his duties with true devotion. The attempted murder has successfully created waves within the political and social status of Punjab, particularly pointing out the unsustainability of convening leaders from the state. Mr., the act of performing ‘sewa at one of the most significant Sikh shrines shows resilience and affiliation to the community during the hardship of adventurous Badal. Those who support Beas R attenuated and encouraged the Akali Dal leader to maintain humility and exemplariness while being aware of the imminent danger to his life.
Footage of Mr Sukhbir Singh Badal going about his responsibilities surfaced as shocking and awe-inspiring videos and images spread across the internet. This period highlights the paradox of Sikh faith and service in the time of suffering. Mr Badal’s appearance in public as investigations into the assassination attempt proceed is a statement that he is strong for his ideas.
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